Spotted: Trio at Alpha Gamma Rho
Well, it may not have been the best party ever, but it was pretty great in my opinion! Last night my roommate ("Rebecca"), another of my sorority sisters ("Allie"), and I all went out partying (the "trio"). We started at AgRho and ended there too! Everyone agrees that if you are able to stay at the same party the whole night it must be at least decent (or you are very very drunk and don't care!).
Personally, I think what makes a good party is the size. That doesn't mean I think the party has to be huge and, in fact, to a point I mean the opposite. A good party is one during which you can actually socialize and get to meet new people. To some, the idea of a party is to find the biggest, wildest rave they can and that is their idea of a good party. The difference lies in the end goal of your partying endeavor: new friends and a good time, or getting blacked out drunk with your current friends. I have a blast getting intoxicated, sure, but the fun part is trying to converse with strangers (hot ones!) while I'm at it. Not to mention all the memories that I make with the friend group I choose to go with that night which I suppose you can make equal but different memories at a crazy party, too.
For my taste their is a formula: loud crowded dance rooms+small, more private side rooms=fun, socializing, and new friends. The dance rooms are where the rave feeling happens (minus the hard drugs), and once you run into someone worthwhile and talking gets too difficult with the noise, you move into a smaller room where you can hang out and get to know each other. Some may worry that by moving into the privacy of a smaller room a woman could be taken advantage of, and I won't say it isn't true. But as with all aspects of a night out you have to use your head: don't get so intoxicated that you can't make your own decisions and say no. Not to mention that it isn't very likely that you will be the only couple in the room. I don't mean to sound as if the men I meet are always for romantic involvement, a lot of times it is just to meet a new greek friend who also has info on when the parties are. I've met quite a few of my male friends just by saying hey. Of course I did begin the friendships many times with a makeout sesh....but that is just a fun drunk thing to do.
Judge my partying preferences and habits if you want, but to me going out is a way of socializing with both old and new friends in a familiar and enjoyable setting. Take last night for example, the party started just a little on the small side, but within thirty minutes it was a pretty good size. They managed the rooms nicely since there are multiple rooms and they don't have them all open at the same time, As the visitors grew they opened more rooms. People had fun bonging beer and playing beer pong (bongs and pongs...hmm that should be the theme of a party one of these days), and there was a large supply of alcohol that never ran out. I would say the biggest thing these frat boys did right is that they actually approach their guests and strike conversation. There's nothing weirder than just dancing around with your girlfriends and not even getting to talk to the brothers of the house you're visiting! After all, if I wanted to just get drunk with my girls I could chill in one of our rooms with alcohol from the grocery store. Alpha Gamma Rho aren't the only partiers I deem quality either. Delta Chi is equally fun for the same reasons. Of course I fully understand that with the layout of some frat houses parties are held in an open basement because that is what they have to work with. You can always take a girl to a private room upstairs but then you really will be private and secluded because the chances of other people being there too is slim. However, one thing party throwers can do is strike up conversation and say hey; actually socialize! I revert back to one of my original statements: if I stay at the same party all night long, it's probably because it's actually a good one and for me that is how you do it. Party safe, people! TGIF:)
Friday, January 29, 2016
I Can Study Too, Just Like You
I Can Study Too, Just Like You
The picture above basically describes what I feel like doing right now. I feel another rant coming on. I've decided that during the hour between my Culture and Mass Media class and my Creative Writing class I would spend a little time writing my blog on the Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays that I have it (which is holding true; I can only promise to be posting three times a week since school has begun again). Usually there is no class occupying the room during the hour before Creative Writing starts, so I just sit in the room with it all to myself and study and blog; it's pretty great.
I was already feeling just a little peeved since when I arrived at the room it was occupied by a bunch of nice but very socially awkward graduate engineering majors. In fact, when I asked to make sure they would have the room, none of the six of them could get the words out that ,yes, they had reserved the room. They stood there and stumbled and stammered over their words like God had asked them what they were doing for charity lately. But I digress. Anyway so I understood and left. They reserved the room and I most certainly had not, it is just kind of my little (only holds 20 students at a large round table) private study room for the hour and I quite enjoy it, but I have no claim to it. So I moved on.
Directly across from the Arts and Science building where that room is at is the Law Building. They have a very nice library in there that, from peering through the huge glass windows, I could see was practically empty. Now, let me just add that I happened to go to Ellis Library for a silly scavenger hunt I had to complete for a class that is meant to acquaint students with Ellis and the Mizzou libraries in general, and one of the questions was to find the closest library to my residence; it happens to be the law library. This is significant because you would think that since the library system is advertising the law library to all students that all students would be welcome. No. I saw a sign that if you are not a law student you must sign in, which is reasonable. However, as I walked up to the sign-in sheet the desk attendant started asking me questions.
"Are you a law student of the university?"
"Okay, you'll need to sign in. Are you here to conduct legal research?"
"No, I am just here to study in the library."
(in a sappy, empathetic tone)"Oh well I am sooo sorry, you have to be conducting legal research in order to enter. Have a nice day." and then he turns to face the other way and pays me no more mind.
Excuse me, although I know this is an argument made since tuition was created, I PAY A HELL OF A LOT OF MONEY to attend here. parents do. I walked out extremely peeved and even had trouble getting the door since I was so frazzled. The law library was basically empty; I wasn't taking anything away from the precious law students, I just wanted to sit in a desk with an outlet. I know it isn't because the legal documents are that precious either, because he would have easily allowed me to use them if I had said it was for legal research. I didn't even want that though! I JUST wanted a quiet library space in close proximity to the class I had in less than an hour right across the courtyard. It frustrates me because there is no reason I can think of that should prohibit me from being aloud to study in a library at a university of which I am a paying student. It is my right to study wherever I want, and the only reason I wasn't aloud is because they didn't like my purpose for being there. When did studying at college become an invalid reason for utilizing a library?
The picture above basically describes what I feel like doing right now. I feel another rant coming on. I've decided that during the hour between my Culture and Mass Media class and my Creative Writing class I would spend a little time writing my blog on the Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays that I have it (which is holding true; I can only promise to be posting three times a week since school has begun again). Usually there is no class occupying the room during the hour before Creative Writing starts, so I just sit in the room with it all to myself and study and blog; it's pretty great.
I was already feeling just a little peeved since when I arrived at the room it was occupied by a bunch of nice but very socially awkward graduate engineering majors. In fact, when I asked to make sure they would have the room, none of the six of them could get the words out that ,yes, they had reserved the room. They stood there and stumbled and stammered over their words like God had asked them what they were doing for charity lately. But I digress. Anyway so I understood and left. They reserved the room and I most certainly had not, it is just kind of my little (only holds 20 students at a large round table) private study room for the hour and I quite enjoy it, but I have no claim to it. So I moved on.
Directly across from the Arts and Science building where that room is at is the Law Building. They have a very nice library in there that, from peering through the huge glass windows, I could see was practically empty. Now, let me just add that I happened to go to Ellis Library for a silly scavenger hunt I had to complete for a class that is meant to acquaint students with Ellis and the Mizzou libraries in general, and one of the questions was to find the closest library to my residence; it happens to be the law library. This is significant because you would think that since the library system is advertising the law library to all students that all students would be welcome. No. I saw a sign that if you are not a law student you must sign in, which is reasonable. However, as I walked up to the sign-in sheet the desk attendant started asking me questions.
"Are you a law student of the university?"
"Okay, you'll need to sign in. Are you here to conduct legal research?"
"No, I am just here to study in the library."
(in a sappy, empathetic tone)"Oh well I am sooo sorry, you have to be conducting legal research in order to enter. Have a nice day." and then he turns to face the other way and pays me no more mind.
Excuse me, although I know this is an argument made since tuition was created, I PAY A HELL OF A LOT OF MONEY to attend here. parents do. I walked out extremely peeved and even had trouble getting the door since I was so frazzled. The law library was basically empty; I wasn't taking anything away from the precious law students, I just wanted to sit in a desk with an outlet. I know it isn't because the legal documents are that precious either, because he would have easily allowed me to use them if I had said it was for legal research. I didn't even want that though! I JUST wanted a quiet library space in close proximity to the class I had in less than an hour right across the courtyard. It frustrates me because there is no reason I can think of that should prohibit me from being aloud to study in a library at a university of which I am a paying student. It is my right to study wherever I want, and the only reason I wasn't aloud is because they didn't like my purpose for being there. When did studying at college become an invalid reason for utilizing a library?
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Shopping SPREE
Shopping SPREE
Wow what a day, and it's been a great one! Shopping will make any girl feel great (until she glances at her credit card bill...) and today I got so much new stuff! My friend Lorie and I hit up Marshalls first because I don't have enough warm party clothes. Most of what I have is short sleeve or thin fabrics that needed a jacket! We looked around Marshalls and didn't find a leather jacket but I DID happen to find two new shirts to go out in. One of them is a steel grey, completely lace, see-through, crop top with spaghetti straps. Definitely a cold shirt! I plan to wear this navy bandeau bra I own under it. Needless to say, that jacket was really needed now! The other shirt I bought was a little warmer; a plain navy blue, off shoulder, TIGHT spandex, quarter sleeve shirt. I'm hoping it is going to be a little warmer to wear out in the frigid night air. We were about to leave since I didn't see any jacket options, but as we made our way to checkout I found just the warm winter hat I have been looking for this whole season! It has one of those big, fluffy balls on top made of faux fur hairs and it is bulky, cream knit with little gold studs on it. On the very front is the Steve Madden gold metal label and, get this, it was only $7.00. I left very pleased but still very much in need of a jacket:)
Round two was at Columbia Mall. I still really needed that jacket, so we tried H&M first. They had some leather jackets, but the more I looked at them or tried them on the more I realized I don't really fit the part for the edginess of leather. I looked around and found some jean jackets but I didn't like the wash of them. Lorie ended up buying a dress for the sorority since she just began Spring Informal Recruitment! (Remember her name is changed, Ladies).
Leaving empty-handed we headed on to Maurice's where I finally found a jean jacket with a wash I like that I can even wear year round. Thank God! It was $40.00, but seriously that's not bad at all. I also bought the first (and not last) item of the day that was not needed: a pair of 75% off printed leggings for only $7.00; that must be my magic price.
Satisfied, we headed on to Icing so Lorie could look at an earring for her cartilage piercing, and while we were there I noticed all the belly rings and bought two...whoops:).
Before we left, though, I wanted to find some cute booties to finish off my looks for any upcoming parties, and it took a few stops before we ended up at this weird shoe place whose name escapes me. It worked out, though, because I found these cute, black, suede, lace-up, heeled booties for like $40.00. I didn't even know that Fergie was designing now, but I guess she is because they're "Fergalicious" brand.
We left the mall after that, and you would think I'd be done right? Well I came home to the sorority house and made some buffalo chicken dip for a snack (mix shredded chicken from a can, 1/2 cup Frank's Buffalo Wings sauce, 1/2 cup shredded cheddar, 1/2 cup ranch dressing and put it all in the microwave until cheese is melted. Eat on crackers), and went shopping again! My sister who lives upstairs from me was selling a bunch of her clothes so I decided to take a look. Great brands and great style so I grabbed two cardigans, a sweater, a blouse and a sundress and when I asked her how much it would all be she said just $20.00! They are all new with tags, too.
Back in my room later I was doing some homework right here in bed on my laptop just like I'm sitting now, and I realized that I could sure use a lap desk! Soooooo I got online and bought a lap desk...and a ton of other stuff! I ordered BB cream foundation, lipstick, contour sponges and a contour cream palette, a concealer palette, a little two step stair to get up to my bed more easily, and some adhesive boobies (a bra) for all my cute and slightly scandalous new party clothes. Nothing feels better than a whole day of shopping! WHAT A SPREE.
Friday, January 22, 2016
Waiting and Waiting... and Waiting
Waiting and Waiting...and Waiting
So of course everyone loves when class gets out a little early. And I don't want to complain too much...but I'm going to be a bit of a nerd here and say that I wish my last class hadn't released us an entire half hour early; that's half the class! Of course there is the argument that college is expensive and it would be nice if we got the entire class that we paid for and not just half of it. But of more importance to me is what we can do with that time! The teacher thinks she is so nice for letting us out, but unlike her I can't just go home and be done for the day. My next class doesn't start for another half hour, and that isn't enough time to do anything or go anywhere.
Luckily for me I can blog during this time and it's a pretty good sized time interval to do it in, but I don't want this to become a habit of hers. It just bothers me because I personally don't do as well in school with breaks between my classes, even though thirty minutes really isn't terribly long. Every time I take a break or switch gears my brain has to refocus again when I go to the next class.
I am super pumped for this class to start though! The class starts in ten minutes and its creative writing. With the small class size we actually get to be really hands-on and discuss a lot. Plus there is this really cute guy, and with the size of the class I feel like I have a good chance of him noticing me:) Anyway, the class is letting out now so finally I don't have to be bored to death!
update: I just checked my schedule because I was confused on why it is almost 11am and yet the teacher and students aren't here yet! Come to find out the class actually starts at 12pm, so I actually have another hour to go ugh. Still trying to memorize my class schedule.
So of course everyone loves when class gets out a little early. And I don't want to complain too much...but I'm going to be a bit of a nerd here and say that I wish my last class hadn't released us an entire half hour early; that's half the class! Of course there is the argument that college is expensive and it would be nice if we got the entire class that we paid for and not just half of it. But of more importance to me is what we can do with that time! The teacher thinks she is so nice for letting us out, but unlike her I can't just go home and be done for the day. My next class doesn't start for another half hour, and that isn't enough time to do anything or go anywhere.
Luckily for me I can blog during this time and it's a pretty good sized time interval to do it in, but I don't want this to become a habit of hers. It just bothers me because I personally don't do as well in school with breaks between my classes, even though thirty minutes really isn't terribly long. Every time I take a break or switch gears my brain has to refocus again when I go to the next class.
I am super pumped for this class to start though! The class starts in ten minutes and its creative writing. With the small class size we actually get to be really hands-on and discuss a lot. Plus there is this really cute guy, and with the size of the class I feel like I have a good chance of him noticing me:) Anyway, the class is letting out now so finally I don't have to be bored to death!
update: I just checked my schedule because I was confused on why it is almost 11am and yet the teacher and students aren't here yet! Come to find out the class actually starts at 12pm, so I actually have another hour to go ugh. Still trying to memorize my class schedule.
creative writing,
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
School is Nuts
School is Nuts
Where do I start? School is back in session! I moved into the sorority house and have a four person room that I only share with one other sister (two closets each is AWESOME!). I already feel so much closer to many of my sisters just by being in the house around them and doing daily activities with them.
Classes so far seem interesting. A few aren't about what I thought they were, but I still think I can interest and engage myself. I am an idiot and left my planner back in St.Louis so I had to improvise and print off some calendars. I have way too much going on not to keep organized! I am taking a creative writing course to learn to write more fiction since currently the only other pieces I write consistently are freeform poetry. I love how small the class size is; only around thirteen students. I got to know the girl next to me who seemed really nice. I am one of only two freshman in the class, though, which is weird but I suppose with the class size it isn't unheard of.
Of course, it is syllabus week and that means frat parties!!! Last night I went out with my new roommate Rebecca and one of the girls I went skiing with over break who also attends (we'll call her Lorie). We hit up multiple frats, and surprisingly I thought the parties we went to were extremely small in comparison to other parties I have been to at frats, even in comparison to last semester's syllabus week. The last one we went to had run out of all their alcohol except for some unflavored plain vodka, so the three of us all took shots of it! We asked if they had chasers and all they had was a single bottle of water that we passed around. I feel really bad because I was so drunk last night that I spilled multiple of Lorie's drinks on her!! I kept thinking I was standing farther from her than I was. I am excited to say that last night I convinced Lorie to sign up for our informal recruitment, and there is a chance she will be a sister!!! I wish her the best, and I am nervous for her!
It is always just a tad stressful to find the time to write, but once I start I find the words come pretty easily. With school starting again I can't promise a daily post, but I can promise that I'll do my absolute best to not let three consecutive days go by without a word. It's great to see my readership increase, so thank you all, and the only thing I can ask is that sometime someone leave me a comment! I would love to know what you all think of my posts, my subjects, and future ideas of things you'd like to see. Your feedback, positive or negative as long as it is constructive, is greatly appreciated and wanted. Ask me questions about myself or anything you want to know more about for me to expand on!
If you just returned to college, too, I wish you all the best this semester!
Where do I start? School is back in session! I moved into the sorority house and have a four person room that I only share with one other sister (two closets each is AWESOME!). I already feel so much closer to many of my sisters just by being in the house around them and doing daily activities with them.
Classes so far seem interesting. A few aren't about what I thought they were, but I still think I can interest and engage myself. I am an idiot and left my planner back in St.Louis so I had to improvise and print off some calendars. I have way too much going on not to keep organized! I am taking a creative writing course to learn to write more fiction since currently the only other pieces I write consistently are freeform poetry. I love how small the class size is; only around thirteen students. I got to know the girl next to me who seemed really nice. I am one of only two freshman in the class, though, which is weird but I suppose with the class size it isn't unheard of.
Of course, it is syllabus week and that means frat parties!!! Last night I went out with my new roommate Rebecca and one of the girls I went skiing with over break who also attends (we'll call her Lorie). We hit up multiple frats, and surprisingly I thought the parties we went to were extremely small in comparison to other parties I have been to at frats, even in comparison to last semester's syllabus week. The last one we went to had run out of all their alcohol except for some unflavored plain vodka, so the three of us all took shots of it! We asked if they had chasers and all they had was a single bottle of water that we passed around. I feel really bad because I was so drunk last night that I spilled multiple of Lorie's drinks on her!! I kept thinking I was standing farther from her than I was. I am excited to say that last night I convinced Lorie to sign up for our informal recruitment, and there is a chance she will be a sister!!! I wish her the best, and I am nervous for her!
It is always just a tad stressful to find the time to write, but once I start I find the words come pretty easily. With school starting again I can't promise a daily post, but I can promise that I'll do my absolute best to not let three consecutive days go by without a word. It's great to see my readership increase, so thank you all, and the only thing I can ask is that sometime someone leave me a comment! I would love to know what you all think of my posts, my subjects, and future ideas of things you'd like to see. Your feedback, positive or negative as long as it is constructive, is greatly appreciated and wanted. Ask me questions about myself or anything you want to know more about for me to expand on!
If you just returned to college, too, I wish you all the best this semester!
Monday, January 18, 2016
Back at It
Back at It
(Sorry there is no funny photo here, I promise I will update it later! I'm posting from a different computer and I don't know how to work Apple computers!!:)
Whelp, I'm back at Mizzou! I feel bad that I haven't posted in two days, but I have been pretty busy packing or sleeping! Yesterday I drove to Lambert Airport to pick up my man friend (we'll call him Josh, I'm changing names) and it was SO good to see him again! We drove back the two or so hours back to campus and dropped him off at his apartment before I went to move in at the sorority house! Last semester I was in a dorm since I am a freshman, but this semester I decided to move in-house! So far I would say I will get along with this roommate WAY better than the random dorm one.
The day was not perfect, however. I went to get my bike from the dorm where I had left it, planning to take it over to the sorority house. To my disdain, someone stole my bike basket. It was a nice, big, sturdy one. I am less upset about having to purchase another one than I am about having to take an hour or two to reinstall it. But hey, thinking optimistically, at least they didn't steal my whole bike (although it has a good lock so they didn't have the option).
The other thing that happened that was less than desirable is that when I got into my new room in the house it appeared that my sisters who had been in the room last semester had never. moved. out. All their things were still out as if someone were still inhabiting it. Nothing was in boxes. So when I came home to Columbia all prepared to set up my new room and get unpacked and comfortable, I couldn't because there was barely enough room to even set my luggage. Even more frustrating is that I waited and waited for the girls to come move their things, and two of them did within a few hours. The third girl still hadn't come by 9pm, so luckily I went over to Josh's and spent the night. Otherwise I would have had to sleep on the floor of my own room because her bed was still made! I did hear from my roommate this morning that the girl had come late last night and moved.
Still, I am so excited to be home even though it is bone cold! I have so much to do, though. Today I am spending the day with Josh and we are going to the grocery store so I can cook him a great dinner:) I also have to pick up my books and later tonight attempt again to settle into my room. Hopefully late tonight my roommate (we'll call her Rebecca) and I will go shopping for some things for our room. I forgot that the house rooms don't come with any furniture besides a bed! As of now I have nowhere to put my clothes and books for school! We plan to get a rug and curtains to spice it up, too. Anyway, busy busy!! Good luck any Mizzou students on our first day back tomorrow!
(Sorry there is no funny photo here, I promise I will update it later! I'm posting from a different computer and I don't know how to work Apple computers!!:)
Whelp, I'm back at Mizzou! I feel bad that I haven't posted in two days, but I have been pretty busy packing or sleeping! Yesterday I drove to Lambert Airport to pick up my man friend (we'll call him Josh, I'm changing names) and it was SO good to see him again! We drove back the two or so hours back to campus and dropped him off at his apartment before I went to move in at the sorority house! Last semester I was in a dorm since I am a freshman, but this semester I decided to move in-house! So far I would say I will get along with this roommate WAY better than the random dorm one.
The day was not perfect, however. I went to get my bike from the dorm where I had left it, planning to take it over to the sorority house. To my disdain, someone stole my bike basket. It was a nice, big, sturdy one. I am less upset about having to purchase another one than I am about having to take an hour or two to reinstall it. But hey, thinking optimistically, at least they didn't steal my whole bike (although it has a good lock so they didn't have the option).
The other thing that happened that was less than desirable is that when I got into my new room in the house it appeared that my sisters who had been in the room last semester had never. moved. out. All their things were still out as if someone were still inhabiting it. Nothing was in boxes. So when I came home to Columbia all prepared to set up my new room and get unpacked and comfortable, I couldn't because there was barely enough room to even set my luggage. Even more frustrating is that I waited and waited for the girls to come move their things, and two of them did within a few hours. The third girl still hadn't come by 9pm, so luckily I went over to Josh's and spent the night. Otherwise I would have had to sleep on the floor of my own room because her bed was still made! I did hear from my roommate this morning that the girl had come late last night and moved.
Still, I am so excited to be home even though it is bone cold! I have so much to do, though. Today I am spending the day with Josh and we are going to the grocery store so I can cook him a great dinner:) I also have to pick up my books and later tonight attempt again to settle into my room. Hopefully late tonight my roommate (we'll call her Rebecca) and I will go shopping for some things for our room. I forgot that the house rooms don't come with any furniture besides a bed! As of now I have nowhere to put my clothes and books for school! We plan to get a rug and curtains to spice it up, too. Anyway, busy busy!! Good luck any Mizzou students on our first day back tomorrow!
Friday, January 15, 2016
Wash, Dry, Fold, Repeat
Wash, Dry, Fold, Repeat
My family is really weird to me because they choose not to use a dryer to dry their clothes. I know that it is because they are trying to save energy and relieve themselves of the risk of shrinking their clothes, and I agree that there are some more delicate items of clothing that need to be line dried. However, I usually wash all my usual clothes at the end of the week and I end up with two to three loads. Not only is there not room on the line for that much, but I also don't have hours and hours to spend waiting for load after load to air dry.
Luckily for me, one of our family friends got a new washer and dryer a few months ago that she was just so excited for me to try. Honestly, it was just your standard washer and dryer. But it was nice because her daughter has been a lifetime friend of mine and is also the girl I went skiing and to wild country with the other day, and it was good to spend more time with her before I go back to Mizzou.
I am very much looking forward to returning to Columbia, but also a little stressed! I drive back on Sunday after I pick up my manly friend (not a boyfriend; still working on the commitment part!) from the airport. I am making headway on my to-do list though. One of the things I had to do before I leave is to get completely everything out of my wrecked car so it can be salvaged. I wasn't expecting to get so emotional while I was sitting in the driver seat on a dog food bag so I wouldn't cut my butt on the glass that covers the entire car. I managed to get everything out, but even though I felt like a wuss I was sobbing by the end of it. It made me so anxious to be back in the place where it all went down that when I came back inside I actually vomited. I got the job done, though, and now I should never have to go in it again. In fact, by the next time I visit home it will have already been taken away to a salvage yard. I don't know; I feel silly getting so worked up about just sitting in the car, but I try to give myself some credit. After all, I should have died in there and that rightfully shakes me up. I definitely look forward to taking my new car back to Mizzou after I visit for Mardi Gras in St.Louis City!
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Ski the Country
Ski the Country
As a Missouri resident there isn't a whole lot of in-state skiing you can do. Really there is only one place and it is called Hidden Valley. It is unlike anything I have previously skied but not necessarily in a good way, and to be honest I don't really plan on returning. I have skied in Vail,Colorado every year during the week after Christmas since I was four years old. I knew Hidden Valley wouldn't compare with its man-made snow and only four or five lifts that lead to maybe ten different short runs. I told myself that I would go with my two friends just to get my equipment out and use it one last time for the season. I wouldn't say I regret going, but I really don't think I need to go again. It was nice to be able to ski with friends who can't afford to travel to Colorado, and you are definitely getting what you paid for. A Vail Resort (includes Beaver Creek, Arapahoe Basin, Vail, and Keystone) day lift ticket is currently priced at $165 and rising. And that doesn't include food, lodging, ski equipment, or gas/airfare. Hidden Valley day lift tickets are $48, and since my friends and I went on college day we got half off of that with our student ID. It really just depends on what you're looking for. It is a great place for beginner skiers to learn and see if it is something they like. It is also great for seniors who may have slowed down and want a shorter run or who don't acclimate to high Colorado altitudes. For me, though, I think I'll stick with the mountains.
Later that night one of the two girls I skied with took me to a place in Collinsville,Illinois called Wild Country. I am not extremely country, but as I said in previous entries I do have a farm and I can be a little country when I feel like it! So I put on my red plaid flannel and my jeans and boots and I went to dance! Except um...I don't know any of the dances. There was one that I really liked where men danced with their women; another one I did not like because it consisted of men and women calling rhymed vulgar insults back and forth over and over. I cuss, sure, but I thought the song was a little too much. I had a good time with my friend, and even though I would have probably enjoyed my night spent getting drunk with she and her boyfriend at his house (which was plan B) this wasn't bad. It would have been much more fun if I had known what I was doing, but apparently they have times where newbies can come to be taught the dances. I would definitely go to that before I went solo again.
I slept over at my friend's house and we didn't get back until 12am or sleep until 2am. Then I woke up at 10am and got my things together and she drove me home. My grandpa and I had decided back on Saturday when I worked at the farm that today I would come over for a few hours of splitting wood, so it was not twenty minutes after being home from my friend's when my grandpa came and picked me up (still haven't gotten my car. update: it needs new shocks before it passes inspection). I worked there for around four hours, came home, took a shower, and accidentally fell into a long nap shortly thereafter. I just woke up and made an amazingggg restaurant style quesadilla with my very own recipe that is super easy. Someone comment if you want me to share the recipe. Clearly I haven't had much free open time today, and I definitely haven't been around my laptop! So sorry guys for having a late post, but I hope it is worth it!
PS: How are you liking my content so far? If you comment or email and leave me some feedback on topic ideas or what you would like me to focus more on in my experiences (ie: Is there a man in your college life?) then just leave a comment! Share on social media and follow for updates if you are liking my stuff!!
Beaver Creek,
country club,
Hidden Valley,
Hidden Valley Ski,
lift ticket,
line dancing,
Wild Country
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Fakers Gonna Fake
Fakers Gonna Fake
So I think I'm going to go on a bit of a rant because what happened today when I visited my old high school for the day honestly kind of astounded me. I go in and of course I said hello and hugged my old friends. But there were multiple people that honestly had no right pretending they were so happy to see me. And even if they were being sincere in their excitement, they sure forgot how they felt towards me in high school quick!
So the first encounter was with one of my old best friends from high school. We all hung out in a group of around six choir students. When I left last year though, they continued on because I was the oldest of the group. Of course they all made their customary promises to never forget me; always be friends; see each other on holiday breaks; blah blah blah. Well this girl was the first to clearly "let me go" if you will. She stopped talking to me, and I figured it was just because of distance and being busy. When I visited for a weekend, however, she made all kinds of excuses that were clearly her wedging her way out of seeing me. The worse thing?: She also added that our other friend from the group who I invited wouldn't be able to make it either. Come to find out the two of them are attached at the hip and if one of them makes a choice the other automatically follows like a pair of Siamese twins who can't go anywhere without the other. I saw them both in choir the last time I visited and the girl was sitting there doing her full face of makeup in the middle of class. She wasn't that stuck up when I went there; she would have at least said hi. But I guess her face trumps our prior friendship.
That was months ago. Today when I visited the choir room I made no attempt to speak to her. I got the message loud and clear that she had moved on from our friendship and had no interest. Then, after all this time of avoiding me and ignoring me, she runs up to me and gives me a huge hug and yells out my name because she is just so thrilled to see me. What the heck?! Hun, I have had so many times where we could have talked, and maybe if we had just fallen out of contact I would have just sat there and caught up. But I gave her every chance to see me and talk to me like old times and she turned me down. You can't just pick and choose when you are in the mood to be a girl's friend, folks.
The second instance was another girl that I honestly didn't know hardly at all. Seriously I don't even remember her name. My senior year we sat at the same lunch table out of coincidence, and even then it was only for a semester. Well, she sure knew my name! She yelled it down a hallway (an empty one I will grant her, at least) and got my attention. Then again like the last fake friend, she gave me a big bear hug and exclaimed how excited she was to see me. She proceeded on about how much she missed me and how the school "wasn't the same without you". Um, seriously?? We barely spoke; to the point that, as I said, I couldn't even remember her name. The funnier thing is that I ran into her about three more times during my visit and each time I was met with the same enthusiasm as the first. Did I miss something? Because the girl and I never had any problems in high school but we weren't friends either. If she wanted my friendship back then she should have said something, because as far as I could tell then we had very little in common besides a lunch table. I don't know why she got so excited, but I have a sneaky feeling that it had something to do with the fact that I'm now a 'cool college kid' that she wanted to be associated with. Come to think of it, every time she would see me and get excited she always had a friend nearby. Sorry, but I'm not a shiny toy to show off to your friends.
When all is said and done, though, I am so glad I visited. I did see a few of my strong, true friends that I have maintained a relationship with. I also sat in on my four favorite teachers' classes, and I even sang with the choir. It's nice to reminisce and think of where I was this time a year ago, how far I've come, and how many things I have yet to achieve.
Monday, January 11, 2016
Holing Up in High School?!
Holing Up in High School?!
Most people leave high school and never look back. I mean why would anyone want to prolong the pain? Well tomorrow I plan to visit my high school, and not even just for the lunch period but for the WHOLE DAY. I must be crazy, I know.
I miss the few friends there that I still maintain contact with, sure. I'm also sure to be spending a lot of the day in the choir room where I belong. (I spent a huge amount of time there as it was because even though I was also in band, choir is the one place I felt truly at home). But the main reason I want to visit is because of the teachers.
Teachers are absolutely inspiring, and some of them really stick with me. They don't get paid enough for what they do, but they still give all their passion into their work, and it's astounding the impact some of them can have. Of course there are dead beat teachers who just want a paycheck or to coach basketball, but those aren't the ones I'm talking about. I'm talking about the ones that change the way you view their subject; the ones that truly love what they do, what they teach, and who they teach it to. I have a respect for these teachers and I am fortunate enough to have had so many during my high school career.
Tomorrow I am going to wake up at 6am with my mother who teaches in the elementary school on the same campus, and I am going to ride to work with her. I won't exaggerate and say that I don't plan on socializing with my old friends at the lunch table or in the choir room, but that definitely won't be all. I am feeling so nostalgic that I think tomorrow I will spend each period going to a different teacher who I looked up to and just sitting in on their teaching. Not only do I want them to know they made a difference in my education, but I want them to realize that their teaching is quality even in the eyes of a student.
Too many teachers are taken for granted, and not just by the students but by parents too. When a teacher not just teaches but enlightens their pupils they at least deserve a visit and a sincere thanks, and that is my motive for visiting tomorrow.
Sunday, January 10, 2016
New Car and Farm Work
New Car and Farm Work

Today I was busy with two main things: working on our family farm and driving with my parents to look at a used car for sale (spoilers: we bought it!). At our farm my mom, little sister (who is a freshman in high school), and dad all worked to cut and remove undergrowth from our woods. The plant, called Honeysuckle, takes over all the newly sprouted trees with its broad leafy branches, leaving no sunlight for new vegetation. So one by one my dad saws down. Our job is to drag the branches either into a ditch or into a row we form that my dad would push together with a grader blade later to burn. Who says women can't do manual labor?! In case you haven't noticed, I don't have any brothers! I have been brought up as a classy lady, but one who isn't afraid to get her hands a little dirty on the farm, even if it's only 17 degrees out!
Our farm is over one hundred years old. It is registered as a Missouri Century Farm. My great great grandpa bought the property originally, and my grandpa was born in that house along with all his immediate relatives before him...which is admittedly a little creepy!! Of course there has been renovations and additions to the house and many out buildings, but there are a lot of original antiques too. I do not live on the farm because my grandparents still reside in it, but at such point they require a nursing home my parents would move in. We live only two miles away. and unless we are harvesting wheat and straw or hay we usually only work on Saturdays.
The interesting thing is that I don't live in a rural area. I live in suburbs consisting of stores and residential areas. My family's land is actually the largest piece of privately owned land in the county even accounting for pieces of it that have been sold throughout the years! We have been given many offers to sell, but we are the last farm left in our area. There are plenty of commercial shopping centers, don't you think it's important to leave a few original pieces of time alone?
Usually we put in a full day of work there, but after lunch we instead headed out to see the car we were interested in buying. The hope was to replace the car of which I described the crash a few entries ago. I ended up getting another Chrysler Sebring just as I had before. It is a different color and it is four years older, but had the same amount of miles as when I first bought my other one. I am still on the fence as to whether I like it just because I really liked my newer and nicer one, but I am fortunate to have found a reliable car and hopefully I won't be housebound much longer!! All in all, it was a positive, productive day. Now I'll take a long, hot shower before I relax and watch some Supernatural!
Today I was busy with two main things: working on our family farm and driving with my parents to look at a used car for sale (spoilers: we bought it!). At our farm my mom, little sister (who is a freshman in high school), and dad all worked to cut and remove undergrowth from our woods. The plant, called Honeysuckle, takes over all the newly sprouted trees with its broad leafy branches, leaving no sunlight for new vegetation. So one by one my dad saws down. Our job is to drag the branches either into a ditch or into a row we form that my dad would push together with a grader blade later to burn. Who says women can't do manual labor?! In case you haven't noticed, I don't have any brothers! I have been brought up as a classy lady, but one who isn't afraid to get her hands a little dirty on the farm, even if it's only 17 degrees out!
Our farm is over one hundred years old. It is registered as a Missouri Century Farm. My great great grandpa bought the property originally, and my grandpa was born in that house along with all his immediate relatives before him...which is admittedly a little creepy!! Of course there has been renovations and additions to the house and many out buildings, but there are a lot of original antiques too. I do not live on the farm because my grandparents still reside in it, but at such point they require a nursing home my parents would move in. We live only two miles away. and unless we are harvesting wheat and straw or hay we usually only work on Saturdays.
The interesting thing is that I don't live in a rural area. I live in suburbs consisting of stores and residential areas. My family's land is actually the largest piece of privately owned land in the county even accounting for pieces of it that have been sold throughout the years! We have been given many offers to sell, but we are the last farm left in our area. There are plenty of commercial shopping centers, don't you think it's important to leave a few original pieces of time alone?
Usually we put in a full day of work there, but after lunch we instead headed out to see the car we were interested in buying. The hope was to replace the car of which I described the crash a few entries ago. I ended up getting another Chrysler Sebring just as I had before. It is a different color and it is four years older, but had the same amount of miles as when I first bought my other one. I am still on the fence as to whether I like it just because I really liked my newer and nicer one, but I am fortunate to have found a reliable car and hopefully I won't be housebound much longer!! All in all, it was a positive, productive day. Now I'll take a long, hot shower before I relax and watch some Supernatural!
little sister,
Saturday, January 9, 2016
New Obsession: Supernatural
New Obsession: Supernatural

What kind of college student doesn't marathon a little Netflix now and then? It was invented for boredom leading to obsession with great shows! College students may be busy with schoolwork (or at least college seems to be more successful that way!) but we sure do make time to veg:)
I knew many people that loved Supernatural in high school, but to be honest I didn't know much about it and I got the impression it was sort of a geek show since those are the kids that seemed to be raving about it. It teaches you a lesson about quick judgement on both the students from my high school and the show! Although I don't know, I think I can be kind of a closet geek myself, hush hush, considering that I am completely in love with Doctor Who.
My confession is that I have conjured up all my talent in television marathon skills mixed with my excessive winter break time and lack of a car to leave the house (although update: I am going to look at a car tomorrow, but I digress as usual!) and put it towards Supernatural. For anyone who has not seen it, it resembles Doctor Who minus the time travel, and X-Files but with mostly evil spirits, hauntings, and demons instead of aliens.
What I like most about it is that the writers seem to have done an exemplary job of balancing individual episode plots with an ongoing storyline throughout the seasons. There isn't so much going on that it is confusing or that a family member who isn't caught up won't enjoy watching an episode with you, but at the same time there is enough going on between episodes to keep you coming back for answers. It is well written and I am proud and yet a tad embarrassed to admit that in the last three days I have gotten so far that as I write this I am simultaneously watching Season 2 Episode 16. With the exception of Doctor Who there has never been another show I have watched so many episodes back to back. Although like I said, there aren't many other options for me stuck in the house all day!
What kind of college student doesn't marathon a little Netflix now and then? It was invented for boredom leading to obsession with great shows! College students may be busy with schoolwork (or at least college seems to be more successful that way!) but we sure do make time to veg:)
I knew many people that loved Supernatural in high school, but to be honest I didn't know much about it and I got the impression it was sort of a geek show since those are the kids that seemed to be raving about it. It teaches you a lesson about quick judgement on both the students from my high school and the show! Although I don't know, I think I can be kind of a closet geek myself, hush hush, considering that I am completely in love with Doctor Who.
My confession is that I have conjured up all my talent in television marathon skills mixed with my excessive winter break time and lack of a car to leave the house (although update: I am going to look at a car tomorrow, but I digress as usual!) and put it towards Supernatural. For anyone who has not seen it, it resembles Doctor Who minus the time travel, and X-Files but with mostly evil spirits, hauntings, and demons instead of aliens.
What I like most about it is that the writers seem to have done an exemplary job of balancing individual episode plots with an ongoing storyline throughout the seasons. There isn't so much going on that it is confusing or that a family member who isn't caught up won't enjoy watching an episode with you, but at the same time there is enough going on between episodes to keep you coming back for answers. It is well written and I am proud and yet a tad embarrassed to admit that in the last three days I have gotten so far that as I write this I am simultaneously watching Season 2 Episode 16. With the exception of Doctor Who there has never been another show I have watched so many episodes back to back. Although like I said, there aren't many other options for me stuck in the house all day!
Friday, January 8, 2016
Salvaging My Wrecked Car
Salvaging My Wrecked Car

Two months ago I was in a car wreck. I was the only car involved, and while I was of course held liable because it was a one car accident I was not written any citations or told there was anything I could do. Here is what happened and how.
At Mizzou in October racial threats and discord were everywhere. Riots and disrespect from both sides, really. So much was happening it was hard to know what was true or false. One night things got really bad when a student from Rolla (Missouri S&T) posted threats on Mizzou's yik yak app (an anonymous app based on location). The first threat said something to the effect of "Some of you are fine to come to school tomorrow. Others probably shouldn't". In the end the guy was trying to be funny, but I know someone who says he went to high school with him (my friend went to Wentzville Holt, although I haven't verified his story) who said he was charged with terrorist threats.
Rumors and yik yaks (maybe by the same person I don't know) were going around from all sides. I read a few saying the Greeks would be targeted since we are supposedly the white privileged group of the university. A few posts were threats naming specific sororities and saying they would be the first to go, next to go, etc. It bothers me that we were targeted because really, if you are blessed enough to attend college you are privileged whether you pay it all or you have grants. Unfortunately in our country higher education is a privilege not a guarantee. As far as being Greek, it is rude stereotyping to assume that all PHA and IFC members are rich and white. Personally I know many diverse backgrounds in the Greek system, and I also know that many of us pay for our membership out of our own pockets with little or no help from our parents.
I probably would have been fine, no one got hurt. But it is nerve racking not only to think there a person or persons are out there blood thirsty, but also because by that point there was so much information as o what was going on outside our dorms (which we were told it was in our best interests not to leave). In my dorm we all gathered in the common areas with our hall staff and tried to keep up to date with Twitter from our authoritative figures and Mizzou mass notifications. But when it got really confusing and scary was when our student body president, Peyton Head, posted on his Twitter saying that the KKK had been confirmed sighted on campus by a "reliable source" and he was in contact with the feds. Around 30 to 40 minutes later he posted a sincere apology saying that his source was misinformed and he was sorry for causing any fear. From now on we were to receive information only from Mizzou Police.
Many teachers individually sent emails cancelling their classes, although Mizzou did not officially cancel classes. Even the ones who did hold class didn't enforce attendance policies, it seemed. So instead of staying in my dorm and looking over my shoulder all the time I decided that with my classes cancelled I would drive the two hours back home and return when it had passed.
I slept for 4 hours. My (now ex-) boyfriend at the time and I fought late into the night passionately over the current events. I would not have been able to sleep much anyway because I kept checking for updates. It turns out he was a pretty strong racist, no matter how \he tried to deny it, he made it clear in the way he phrased things and how he treated blacks. And that is not okay to me. Besides some abuse and the fact that he cheated (which I learned later), that is one of the main reasons I dumped him. I am not saying the actions of anyone, white or black, were right. But I am saying that disrespect from one human to another is rude and uncalled for.
So I went home. How do these events relate to my accident? Well, I stayed one night at home and got 9 hours of quality sleep the night before I drove back to Mizzou in hopes the worst of it was over. I did not feel tired. But the lack of sleep from two nights before must've caught up with me because they say I must have fallen asleep for no longer than a minute. Just long enough for my left set of tires to go off the road into the grass. I quickly realized where I was, and I got scared because I didn't remember falling asleep or how I had gotten off the road. I over-corrected with a sharp turn right. I spun out. At around 8:30pm I went left back off the side of the road, this time under the median cable and across opposing traffic on I-70. I was going 75 miles an hour. My windshield shattered when my car, by some miracle, squeezed under the median cables. It all happened in a minute or so. My car stopped on the right shoulder of the other direction of traffic, facing the direction of traffic even. If you hadn't seen me come across or the oil leaking from my punctured oil pan you might have thought I just pulled over. The police came very quickly thanks to whatever Samaritan saw it and called.
I declined medical attention. I had not hit any other cars which is a blessing because I would not be able to live with myself if I had hurt someone else. After a long ordeal and having my car towed back to my house I got a ride back to Mizzou. I did not attend my classes the next day because I was still in shock. Afraid to leave my room, even. I should've died in that wreck; even the tow truck driver told my parents in private that he had never seen someone walk away from a wreck like mine. My car was totaled and will be going to salvage in the next week or two. I am getting a new one, which is good because the remains of car in my garage scare me everytime I see them, and I emotionally can never handle sitting in the driver's seat where it all happened again.
I drove home to be safe. And by some irony I returned very unsafely. All things considered it could have been so much worse for me. Now every time I pass that mile marker I look and see the remnants of the wreck fading away. At first there were tire ruts where my car squished into the grass to fit under the cables. And there was half of my front end....sitting right under the now-loose cables right there in the median. Black skid marks on the other side of the road. The mile number will always be branded in my memory. So yes, I am glad my car is being replaced, because after those two days of fear ending with that, the car holds nothing but bad memories.
african american,
Car accident,
car wreck,
Missouri S&T,
new car,
terrorist threats,
white privilege,
yik yak
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Mizzou Family
Mizzou Family

Today I just feel really off. I'm bored but nothing seems interesting. I think it's because I miss my friends since I'm still on Winter Break, and nothing sounds as exciting unless I'm doing it with them. I don't go back until the 17th! My hometown friends here are all going back to their respective colleges before me, and of course my (more numerous) friends from college are scattered all over the country (and actually the world!).
It just has me thinking about friends and distance. It never occurred to me that, unlike in high school where my friends were mostly within the school district lines, I would have friends from absolutely everywhere. I mean it used to be hard to maintain friendships even just a few school districts away, or heck, even in the other high school in MY school district! But now my friends' locations are so various, and it offers me a new perspective. I like meeting people from so many different places. I travel a ton but I've lived in the same suburb my whole life, almost. It's so interesting to hear peoples' stories of their life or experiences in a big city or in a rural town or in a faraway country. Whether they live there or just are traveling over the break, I have friends and sorority sisters in probably ten or twelve different states and also one in Korea, Brussels, London, Spain and France!
It is just a wonder to me that wherever we come from, we all belong to our beloved University. We leave for the summer or the Christmas Break or what have you to rejoin our families or to travel and gain new and lasting memories. But then soon on the 17th we will return to what many of us refer to as "home"; Columbia, Missouri. (Yes, I am a Mizzou student! I have debated how many specific details to give. But since I have shared my college I will not share what sorority I belong to, I have decided.)
I have always felt close to Mizzou since both parents, my older sister, and my uncle all have attended. But once I got there myself of course my love grew more!! I just think it is so amazing how close I am to everyone there. Just thinking of how scattered we are, but then we come home to be with our second family: our Mizzou friends. So yeah I feel weird, because even though I am enjoying the break and spending time with my family, I miss my Mizzou family and I don't feel the same not being close to them! I look forward to returning and attempting my second semester!
Today I just feel really off. I'm bored but nothing seems interesting. I think it's because I miss my friends since I'm still on Winter Break, and nothing sounds as exciting unless I'm doing it with them. I don't go back until the 17th! My hometown friends here are all going back to their respective colleges before me, and of course my (more numerous) friends from college are scattered all over the country (and actually the world!).
It just has me thinking about friends and distance. It never occurred to me that, unlike in high school where my friends were mostly within the school district lines, I would have friends from absolutely everywhere. I mean it used to be hard to maintain friendships even just a few school districts away, or heck, even in the other high school in MY school district! But now my friends' locations are so various, and it offers me a new perspective. I like meeting people from so many different places. I travel a ton but I've lived in the same suburb my whole life, almost. It's so interesting to hear peoples' stories of their life or experiences in a big city or in a rural town or in a faraway country. Whether they live there or just are traveling over the break, I have friends and sorority sisters in probably ten or twelve different states and also one in Korea, Brussels, London, Spain and France!
It is just a wonder to me that wherever we come from, we all belong to our beloved University. We leave for the summer or the Christmas Break or what have you to rejoin our families or to travel and gain new and lasting memories. But then soon on the 17th we will return to what many of us refer to as "home"; Columbia, Missouri. (Yes, I am a Mizzou student! I have debated how many specific details to give. But since I have shared my college I will not share what sorority I belong to, I have decided.)
I have always felt close to Mizzou since both parents, my older sister, and my uncle all have attended. But once I got there myself of course my love grew more!! I just think it is so amazing how close I am to everyone there. Just thinking of how scattered we are, but then we come home to be with our second family: our Mizzou friends. So yeah I feel weird, because even though I am enjoying the break and spending time with my family, I miss my Mizzou family and I don't feel the same not being close to them! I look forward to returning and attempting my second semester!
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Actual Viewers? And Job Attempt
Actual Viewers? And Job Attempt

I have been curious to see if anyone actually viewed my post from last night. Apparently it seems I have 3 people that have visited my page. Which is super cool. If any of you are reading this one thanks!
Well today I am continuing my search for a summer job. I am tired of the usual fast food cashier thing. Because really, who wants to be stuck in a job like that? The problem is finding someone who is accepting of my lack of experience in anything besides food service. I know pretty much everyone has said it, but um how am I supposed to have "required previous experience in (insert cool summer job here)" when everyone expects you to have experience? I ended up applying for many jobs that probably won't hire me. I'm too young or I don't have the experience, but I'm hoping someone might take a shot at me. I'm spending the summer in Las Vegas with some family out there so I only have three months to make a lot of money to fund my school year! Although I am lucky enough to have parents paying for my college for me, I have to fund my choice to be in a sorority. It is a part of college life that I knew I would only be able to join at this exact time. So I jumped in and so far I absolutely love it! Would it be cool if I wrote about my greek life experience so far? There are so many false stereotypes about it. Being part of my sisterhood is nothing like the movies:)
I have been curious to see if anyone actually viewed my post from last night. Apparently it seems I have 3 people that have visited my page. Which is super cool. If any of you are reading this one thanks!
Well today I am continuing my search for a summer job. I am tired of the usual fast food cashier thing. Because really, who wants to be stuck in a job like that? The problem is finding someone who is accepting of my lack of experience in anything besides food service. I know pretty much everyone has said it, but um how am I supposed to have "required previous experience in (insert cool summer job here)" when everyone expects you to have experience? I ended up applying for many jobs that probably won't hire me. I'm too young or I don't have the experience, but I'm hoping someone might take a shot at me. I'm spending the summer in Las Vegas with some family out there so I only have three months to make a lot of money to fund my school year! Although I am lucky enough to have parents paying for my college for me, I have to fund my choice to be in a sorority. It is a part of college life that I knew I would only be able to join at this exact time. So I jumped in and so far I absolutely love it! Would it be cool if I wrote about my greek life experience so far? There are so many false stereotypes about it. Being part of my sisterhood is nothing like the movies:)
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Bear With Me
Bear With Me

Disclaimer: I have absolutely no idea how to blog, so bear with me! I assume no one will probably ever read it either. But hey I thought it might be fun to write because I love writing and I can imagine that millions of people might actually find me interesting. Maybe I'll even make myself laugh at my own jokes:)
Disclaimer: I have absolutely no idea how to blog, so bear with me! I assume no one will probably ever read it either. But hey I thought it might be fun to write because I love writing and I can imagine that millions of people might actually find me interesting. Maybe I'll even make myself laugh at my own jokes:)
You may wonder why I have chosen Where the Wild Things Are as the theme of my writing. Along with the fact that it has always been my favorite childhood book, it also represents my current experiences as a new college student. I regret not beginning my blog with the school year since now I am a second semester freshman, but honestly the thought to blog never occurred to me until this cold night in January at 1 in the morning...definitely a college girl! Anyway, you will adapt to my digressions I hope, but the reason I chose Where the Wild Things Are is because fresh college life feels very close to what Max must have felt when he found himself surrounded by unknown wild creatures. Max was undoubtedly excited; he loved being where the wild things are, but he also felt lost and I think even a little afraid. Trooping ahead, he made friends and enjoyed his experiences as he navigated his blessing to try something new. And at the end he was sad his journey had completed. I think that is exactly how my college years will go. It is Christmas break for another two weeks, but I go back next semester with a whole semester of experience behind me, and yet I still feel doe-eyed! I don't know how often I'll post but we'll see how it works out, my main goal is just to have fun documenting the stresses, thrills, and joys, and pains of this new chapter. So here's to new experiences, clumsy adulty-ness, and wild college students!
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