Monday, January 11, 2016

Holing Up in High School?!

Holing Up in High School?!

Most people leave high school and never look back. I mean why would anyone want to prolong the pain? Well tomorrow I plan to visit my high school, and not even just for the lunch period but for the WHOLE DAY. I must be crazy, I know. 

I miss the few friends there that I still maintain contact with, sure. I'm also sure to be spending a lot of the day in the choir room where I belong. (I spent a huge amount of time there as it was because even though I was also in band, choir is the one place I felt truly at home). But the main reason I want to visit is because of the teachers. 

Teachers are absolutely inspiring, and some of them really stick with me. They don't get paid enough for what they do, but they still give all their passion into their work, and it's astounding the impact some of them can have. Of course there are dead beat teachers who just want a paycheck or to coach basketball, but those aren't the ones I'm talking about. I'm talking about the ones that change the way you view their subject; the ones that truly love what they do, what they teach, and who they teach it to. I have a respect for these teachers and I am fortunate enough to have had so many during my high school career.

Tomorrow I am going to wake up at 6am with my mother who teaches in the elementary school on the same campus, and I am going to ride to work with her. I won't exaggerate and say that I don't plan on socializing with my old friends at the lunch table or in the choir room, but that definitely won't be all. I am feeling so nostalgic that I think tomorrow I will spend each period going to a different teacher who I looked up to and just sitting in on their teaching.  Not only do I want them to know they made a difference in my education, but I want them to realize that their teaching is quality even in the eyes of a student. 

Too many teachers are taken for granted, and not just by the students but by parents too. When a teacher not just teaches but enlightens their pupils they at least deserve a visit and a sincere thanks, and that is my motive for visiting tomorrow.

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